Friday, April 19, 2013

Finals and Computers

So my computer stopped working. 
I have decided that in today's society we rely quite heavily upon technology. When my computer broke, I was fine until I realized that all of my notes and all of my practice things for studying is on my computer. It is already extremely hard to concentrate because I will be getting married in two weeks now and I am close to saying "whatever" to it all. 
Back to society on technology. Today's world has made such advances in technology that it is incredible. Sadly, I feel like now that is overbearing in many ways. Take looking and applying for jobs. You have to update and maintain multiple social media avenues because that is where people look nowadays. You have Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter etc. Although these can be very useful in a sense, it is also overbearing. 
At school teachers are converting to E-Textbooks where it can be more cost effective and convenient but, in my case, when a computer crashes you are kind of left on your own. 
I think that my MCOM class really showed me how much social media is becoming more and more used on all avenues and I am not sure if that is a great thing. It takes quite a lot of time to constantly be updating and tweeting and such. Personally, I think it is silly but now if you aren't on a computer of have internet on your phone you fall behind and are uninformed about the going ons of the world. 
Tis quite the predicament. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Well, I should be studying for finals but instead I am thinking about my family. 
I think I have all the right to do so because I see them in 11 days :) 

My family has its conflicts but when I have needed someone in my life it has been them. I love that each person in my family has such a unique personality and because of that personality we have all been able to grow and love each other and learn to love and accept those around us. 

My big sister is beautiful. Actually she is stunningly gorgeous. She is strong spirited and won't take crude from anyone. Even when we were little she was always there to stick up for me when someone would try to cut me down. We have had our differences no doubt. In fact, all throughout high school we fought like cats and dogs, but I still loved her and I knew she loved me. Now we are a lot closer and I am so appreciative of the example she has set for me of the love that someone can have for others and the willingness to forgive and apply the Atonement in all aspects of my life. Now she is a beautiful mother and wife and still holds strong to not taking crude from anyone and standing up for what is right. 

Baby Davie, as we used to call him. :) He has always been so sweet and loving yet driven and competitive. Today he left me a note at work that lifted my spirits when I was feeling down and made me smile. Even when he was little he would try and put a smile on people's faces and make them laugh. but don't let his big heart fool you. He is a driven kid. He sets goals for himself and he accomplishes them. I have always been impressed with the example he has set for me his big sis and for everyone else in my family about the power of goal setting. He is a talented boy and will get far in life. I can't wait for him to go and serve the people in Rome and for them to love my brother for all the wonderful things he represents. 


Oh were to start.... Sariah has always been a ray of sunshine in my life. She is the baby of the family. She is super creative and extremely witty. People who meet her at first haven't a clue of the beautiful and smart and hilarious person she is. I have never had a dull moment with my little sister. We have had lots of adventures of rolling down hills, planning extravagant "summer lists" and crying together and learning together. I would not change anything about Sariah. She has an uncanny way of befriending people that sometimes others dont realize need a friend. I know she has become one of the better friends I have and her beautiful spirit and her gorgeousness make people feel happy and special around her. I love her and her creative mind that allows her to create things that people love and enjoy. She is also very talented in sports and music and I am so proud of all she has accomplished and all she will accomplish in life. 


My parents have been the foundation for my direction in life in so many ways. They have taught me how to be smart and how to be independent yet mindful of others. They have and are doing so much for me that I hope that I can keep making them proud. Whenever I have needed a listening ear or some help in any way they have been there. I am so grateful that they have taught me the importance of the gospel in my life and the power that comes from the priesthood and from raising a family in the Gospel. I am grateful for the example they have given me of loving everyone regardless of their background. I remember going to the store and my mom would talk to the workers and talk to them about life and you could see the love she had for them even though she didn't know them. My dad has always been one to give service and do hard work and I am grateful for the example of love he has given me through that. I love my parents very much and am grateful for everything they are doing for my upcoming wedding. 

My New Family: 

I can't forget my upcoming new family. First off they are a gorgeous bunch of people. I am so grateful that they are all so loving and have been so accepting of me. I am excited to keep learning about each of them and becoming a part of the family. I have already learned lessons of love and service from them and of acceptance and growing. Even if they don't know it, each one of them has already impacted my life in one way or another and I am grateful that I already feel connected to them. 

Family is so important to me and I am so grateful for each person that is a part of my family and I can't wait to start my own with my best friend Preston. He has become so essential in my life and I am so grateful for the example he is to me and the love that he shows me. I am so grateful that he is my friend and my love. 

I love all of my family and I am grateful for the Plan of Salvation that seals us together for eternity. I can't wait for May 4th and the opportunity it brings for me to have that blessing with Preston. :) 

Service and Mothers

Brother Clarke asked us to do another assignment: Do something nice for someone who is more stressed than you are and then write about it? 

Well... I have been pretty stressed. When he said this, I thought to myself, "No one could be more stressed than I am right now." Then things kind of were shook up for me. 

My first thought was my mom. My mom has a lot on her plate right now. she described it to me like this: 
"My plate is full. Sharon and Preston are the main dish and all the flavor and wonderfulness that comes with planning a wedding and gaining a new child are great. DJ and Josh are my worrisome portion that I am not sure will turn out as good as I expected. David is my greens and all the nutrients and help that having a son preparing to go on a mission brings. And Sariah, Sariah is my dessert because she bring happiness into my life at a time when I need it most." 

Background. I am getting married in 18 days!!! This is exciting and wonderful but I am not doing any of the planning meaning that my mom has been in charge of most if not all of it. My sister DJ has been having some struggles in her own little beautiful family but things seem to be getting better. David, my little brother is preparing to to on a mission to Rome, Italy in the next couple of months and so that has been on my mom's mind. And finally, Sariah. She is the last one at home and brings happiness to my mom when she needs it most. 

So anyways, I decided I would call my mom and see how she was doing. Something small right? Well I found out that she was having a hard day and that my call helped her out substantially. I can't imagine how hard it must be to be the matriarch of a family and still be composed in all aspects. It is incredible. 

I honestly think this assignment helped me more because it helped me gain a new appreciation for everything my mom has done in my life. She has been there for me when I needed her whether it was a bruised knee to a broken heart. I love her and her dedication to the Lord and the example that is in my life. I hope that someday I can turn out to be half the women that she is. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I have been trying to figure out what to write about for this last week and I haven't gotten any awe inspiring revelations. I finally realized that feedback is usually so important in our lives. we rely so much on the feedback people give to us that it is almost as thought we become incapable of doing anything else. For example, in my business writing class, we have gotten feedback on two assignments and it is the last official week of school. 

I will admit, because I haven't received any feedback, I am one who will not try my best the next time around. As a result I am pretty sure my results have gotten worse and worse. This got me thinking to what other feedback we expect in or lives. Even something as simple as reading a book, we expect feedback. 

Feedback comes in so many ways. It could be through advice, blunt remarks, knowledge obtained behind a book' feedback is everywhere. I feel like when people realize their true potential they recognize the feedback and use it constructively. Feedback is important but we should be able to learn to function with out it to the smallest degree. 

Monday, April 1, 2013


I hate being in the spotlight. I refrain from cameras and pointed questions, anything that makes me feel like I am the sole focus. That being said, this weekend was my bridal shower. No matter how hard you try, the bride (me) is the spotlight. 

I actually enjoyed myself. I stopped focusing so much on the fact that I was the spotlight and focused more on the fact that the people that came were people who loved me. I am so grateful for all the help that my family has been giving me with the wedding planning. We are now in the final month and I know that things are starting to get crazy. I am grateful that despite all that is going on their lives they have made me a priority because they love me. 

It is an awesome feeling being loved. I love that my family loves me, my future Wilcken and that Preston loves me. Oh my, coming back to Utah was fun knowing that he was here waiting for me I am so grateful for all that he is in my life and I can't wait for the next month to fly by. I am grateful for the chance to be sealed to a wonderful man for time and all eternity. :) 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

"And Down She Goes"

This past week has been an interesting one. There are so many things going on that it sometimes makes for a little craziness. To top it off I fainted on Friday. It was really weird. 

I started the day by donating plasma. It was my third time and so I figured why not. After I donated, I usually will eat and go to work and at work I usually simply will sit down. Friday was a little different. I didn't get to eat much after donating and work was crazy. I was walking a lot and making sure things were as they were supposed. to. Part of work on Friday was making sure that the Education in Zion tour went by smoothly and be a participant. I rushed over there and as they started I leaned against the railing. 

I locked my legs... Worst possible mistake ever. I remember that I felt a head rush that happens sometimes when I stand up too quickly. Anyways, the next thing I remember is coming to and wondering why there were people around me and why I wasn't in my room (I felt like I was sleeping). One guy thought that I had died because apparently when I fainted my eyes were still open. I of course saw nothing though. 

I am so grateful that one of my friends was there and was able to help me get re-situated. I am also grateful that everyone that was there was super friendly and so willing to help. I am also grateful that my boss had decided to go home early and so she was able to drive me home. 

I have now been forbidden to donate plasma by my wonderful fiance, Preston. I am grateful that he is always so concerned about me and has my best interest in mind. I love him so much. I am hoping that the stress of the end of the semester along with all the changes that will be occurring doesn't induce any more fainting spells. I hope that this was simply a one time thing. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Doing Something Nice

As part of an assignment for my business writing class we were prompted to "buy a Coke" for someone and write about their reaction to it. 

I ended up buying Mucho Mango and gas.

 My fiance drives down every weekend from Salt Lake to come see me. He usually ends up driving back really late and stops at a gas station to buy Mucho Mango, one of his favorite drinks to keep him awake. Well, this past weekend I surprised him by having 4-5 of these drinks in my fridge for him to grab when he leaves. The expression on his face was pretty great and I got a pretty wonderful reward too. Not only did I feel all nice and fuzzy inside, I also got a nice big kiss (well really a few kisses). 

Then I bought his gas. He was running really low and he needed to fill up and so I said that I would pay for it since he always paid for it. He asked if I was sure and I grinned and said that of course of I would. He was extremely grateful for it and again I felt all nice and fuzzy and I got a few kisses. I think this project was great in that it helped me think of ways to help someone that has always been so great in my life. It also made me realize that it isn't that hard to be kind to the people around me.